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Questions And Answers On Acne


Shelley asks…

just found out my husband has herpes?

ok he tells me he got it from one of his ex and i’m pretty mad right now about it cause he didn’t tell me about this and his been doing oral sex on me and we’ve been kissing. I have two question one is, why don’t I have cold sore on my mouth if he has herpes on the side of his mouth? This is the first time i ever heard about cold sore being a herpes. I don’t know if it really is herpes, he get this like piling off skin at the side of his mouth sometimes it disappears but comes back on the same spot. lately i notice like 1 break out down there on my vulva and was wondering if he gave it to me that way or it’s just acne? we’ve been together for four years now and i haven’t had any sign till i felt a small acne down there.
he told me it started after kissing his ex’s. and for me i never kissed anyone but him, his my first in everything.

Ben answers:

Okay, first you need to take a breath. Yes, cold sores on the mouth can be caused by a type of herpes. Herpes is a large family, with lots of different members. Type 1 causes cold sores in and around the mouth. Type 2 is the infamous genital sort. A cousin, called Herpes Zoster, causes chicken pox. The one thing the family all has in common is that they cause a blister type breakout. Now, Type 1 is so common among human beings that most all of us are infected by the time we reach our teens. The immune system just supresses it better for some folks than others, so most people don’t suffer more than one or a couple of breakouts. Some people are not as lucky. Type 1 happens to prefer the mouth, Type 2 tends to prefer the groin. Each can infect the other spot, but it’s not that common to see happen. You probably were actually infected with Type 1 herpes many years ago, and are one of the lucky folks who hasn’t had a breakout that you are aware of. Your husband isn’t as fortunate. He didn’t likely get it from his ex either- he most likely got it as a kid too. Stress and illness can trigger a breakout, and in a bad marriage you’d have plenty of stress. As far as the spot in the groin, you need to see a doctor, preferably a gynecologist, to figure out exactly what that is from. Regardless of what it turns out to be, even and especially if it turns out to be Herpes of some sort- it’s still no reason to go pointing fingers or accusing anyone of anything. Herpes is a sneaky group of creatures, and you can have it for years and years before you ever have a breakout. If the two of you were not virgins when you married, either of you could bring the gift to your present relationship. There is no way to know where either of you got it either, nor how long you’ve had it. Herpes outbreaks are treatable, and there are medications that will help prevent more outbreaks. It’s not like you are a sexual leper or something. It’s just a disease. Diseases are the most democratic things out there, they infect anybody anytime they can- no matter how nice and clean you are. Nice people get infected too. So relax and let go of the mad dear. You probably don’t have genital herpes, and even if you do- you loved the guy enough to marry him. I presume you knew he had a past, and you accepted that. He accepted your past too. It’s not a deal breaker unless you want it to be. It’s not proof that he’s cheated on you, lied to you or anything else. So kiss and make up. Get to a doctor and have the spot checked out and treated if it needs it. And then, move forward together.

Lisa asks…

Acne because of my boyfriend?

I’ve never had any kind of acne in my entire life, and he noticed that his has gotten a lot worse since he met me. We’re both about to be 17. He’s my first boyfriend, and our acne started up when we started going out. Is there some kind of hormone that causes this? And how do I STOP it? lol
Oh but it’s just like little pink blotches
lol my boyfriend said “you can’t catch acne” too.. not what I meant; I was wondering if it’s a hormone thing.

And yeah, around my mouth, generally.

Ben answers:

Well, there are three possibilities

1) This is natural, you’re still in the middle of puberty, some people get breakouts at your age, it’s normal

2) You’re allergic to something such as his aftershave, or a new brand of makeup that you’ve put on since meeting him

3) You’ve contracted a disease from him such as herpes, and they re sore not zits. Without seeing them I can’t say whether or not there are regular acne or if they are an STD. Are they across your forehead and around your nose, etc, or do you have it around your mouth and/or naughty bits? If it’s the latter then it’s an STD, if it’s the former then it’s probably hormone related acne.

Daniel asks…


Okay, I could have a lot of things wrong with me now. My face is full of whiteheads, generally around my mouth and the bottom of my cheeks. I’ve started using retin-a a few weeks ago, so that could be the cause (the initial breakout stage, perhaps?) OR I fear it could be HERPES. They’re not painful but very persistant, and I do have acne problems. I’m just terrified of the idea of herpes, but I’ve never had a whitehead breakout so badly! I’m so scared. Can anyone please tell me about the difference between a whitehead breakout and a herpes facial one? I looked up pictures for hours but it hasn’t been incredibly helpful. PLEASE help me :(
They’re small whiteheads, on the corners of my lips, my chin, the bottom half of my cheeks….

Ben answers:

To atewhs. — you’re dumb, cold sores are a type of oral herpes. Stfu and be more educated when writing an answer.

Richard asks…

Do i have Facial Herpes or Acne?

For the past 6 months I have suffered from spots on my face. Each month it would get worse until a few months ago I started to get small raise bumps near my upper lip and nose.

These would then turn into big painful red spots ! My chin , upper lip , nose is full of them. They will come and go ! Please help Iam only 14

I also suffer from frequent sore groins, sore throat , flu’s , ( picking nose due to this )

Ben answers:

You have Cystic Acne. I use to have acne problems as well.

1) Tea Tree Oil
2) Lemon juice
3) Apple cider vinegar
4) Bamboo extract

Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for acne. It is an essential oil that is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.

How is tea tree oil believed to work? Tea tree oil contains a constituent called terpinen-4-ol that’s thought to be responsible for most of tea tree oil’s anti-bacterial activity. Because tea tree oil can kill bacteria, applying topical tea tree oil to acne lesions is believed to kill Propionibacterium acnes, the skin-dwelling bacteria involved in acne.

Applied lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to face or you can drink it through using it in water a few drops a day. Will help with both acne, and scars as well.Also another way you can get rid of acne is by taking bamboo extract something I started when I had the problem really does work. Hope this works for you.

OR: Here are seven best methods to clear up blemishes.

Tea-Tree Oil
To treat mild, occasional breakouts.
How it works: Distilled from the leaves of an Australian shrub, tea-tree oil contains antibacterial and anti-microbial compounds called terpenoids that help kill the bacteria that, when trapped behind oil in a plugged pore, lead to acne breakouts. Try Burt’s Bees Herbal Blemish Stick ($8, burtsbees.com). A roller-ball tube makes for easy application.

Studies testing tea-tree oil against the gold-standard acne treatment, benzoyl peroxide, have shown that while the latter works more quickly, tea-tree oil is equally effective over time. And it results in fewer annoying side effects—namely, dryness and redness.

If you have sensitive skin.
How it works: A time-tested, gentle acne fighter, sulfur “acts like a sponge to draw oil out of blocked pores,”. This dries up pimples and keeps sebum production in check, helping to prevent future blemishes.

Sulfur has a distinct smell—think rotten eggs. Most preparations that use it contain a masking fragrance. However, to play it safe (and avoid scaring off coworkers), apply these products at night.

Salicylic Acid
To treat and soothe red, inflamed blemishes.
Salicylic acid can have a calming, anti-inflammatory effect on pimples. “It also breaks down the ‘cement’ between cells in clogged pores to help unplug them,”

Salicylic acid is less irritating than more potent treatments, so it may be better for those with dry skin. It also tends to work well on stubborn blackheads.

Benzoyl Peroxide
To spot-treat a blemish fast.
How it works: This top acne treatment is an antibacterial agent, killing the bacteria that cause pimples to form, says Gross. Because benzoyl peroxide is so powerful, it helps blemishes go down quickly; just make sure to use a non-comedogenic moisturizer first to minimize dryness. Initially, it can cause dryness and redness. Also, “it bleaches towels and clothes,”.

Nightly to prevent breakouts.
How they work: Retinoids, which include over-the-counter retinol and prescription-strength Retin-A, reduce acne by altering the oil chemistry on the skin. “They help stop dense sebum from getting stuck within the pores,” says Gross. Without oil deposits, bacteria can’t grow and cause blemishes. Since retinoids can make skin sensitive to the sun, doctors recommend using them at night (and being diligent about wearing sunscreen during the day). To avoid irritation, apply every other evening to start, gradually working up to nightly use. Bonus benefit: Retinoids have been shown to increase collagen production and plump fine lines, making them a good choice if you’re dealing with acne and wrinkles.

Blue-Light Therapy
If you want the latest preventive treatment—and don’t mind plunking down some cash for it.
How it works: Once or twice a week, you use a handheld device to aim a beam of blue light onto your skin. “Its wavelength hits and kills acne-causing bacteria,” so any brewing pimples never come to the surface.

This method will not address existing blemishes. Doctors typically suggest combining blue-light therapy with other remedies, such as topical treatments. To make things easy, consider a blue-light device that comes in a kit. At-home devices are smart alternatives to multiple costly treatments at a doctor’s office.

Oral Antibiotics
If you experience painful bumps below the skin surface and your pimples leave lasting marks. “Oral antibiotics act from the inside to kill the bacteria that cause acne,” says Keri. They also reduce the inflammation associated with pimples, so deep-seated blemishes hurt less and leave fewer scars.

Doctors usually prescribe them to get a severe condition under control and may then switch to topical treatments. Some antibiotics must be taken on an empty stomach, so read the label carefully.

Thomas asks…

What do I do with this stupid pimple?

I bought this new lip balm and it made my lips breakout thanks to all of the oil in it. I got most of it to go besides this one HUGE pimple in the corner of my mouth. I kept pilin at it and now it’s just horrible. It looks like I have herpes. Three of my friends at school have already said “Your herpes is creeping me out.” and a few others have been asking me what it was.
I’ve liked this guys for years and I am finally talking to him an now I have this damn pimple.
Please help me!! Tell me all the ways you know to get rid of a problem pimple as fast at you can! D; I’ve had it for almost a week now.
Help help help!!!!
And it’s way too dry for me to cover it because I have a concealer stick so since it’s dry it’s creasing beyond belief and it’s noticeable even when I can cover the redness D:

Ben answers:

Take a green tea bag and wet it, then apply it to the area for 20 to 30 minutes. Drink white tea to prevent acne. And for the love of God, do NOT use benzoyl peroxide whatsoever. It releases free radicals in the body that cause premature aging, ACNE, and it’s also linked to skin cancer. Fortunately, white tea FIGHTS free radicals in the body that cause acne, premature agin, cancer, cardiovascular disease… You name it, white tea fights it. Just don’t use anything with benzoyl peroxide. Not even as a spot treatment. Like I said, it CAUSES free radicals to be released in the body. That means that it will make your acne continue. Amazing, isn’t it? Apparently greedy companies want you to think that without their product, you will have acne. Benzoyl kills the bacteria that causes acne, yes. It unclogs your pores, yes. It makes it to where you’re stuck using their product for life, YES. The best thing you can do is drink white tea, put a white tea bag or green tea bag over your zit for 20-30 minutes and rinse. Hope I helped.

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