Thomas asks…
Does he like me? I’m liking my frenemy?!?
I don’t know, but I’m starting to kind of… Like this guy. We are kinda frenemies, and I didnt like him much (friendwise) at first… But we still got along sometimes, but not so much. He‘d still call me “creepy” in a joking way for saying HIII!! to him everyday all excitedly lol. But then later, he told me that he didn’t actually think I was that creepy, and he just said it to sorta tease me.. But it always seemed like there was some truth to it, though idk for sure.
Well… Things have kinda changed. Were starting to sorta get along now… We were in quiz bowl class and my team and i were working on a question (he was on my team). It was a bonus question and I was team leader, so we had to talk with the group about what the right question was. Well I suggested some funny answers (i guess they were funny.. but i was serious..) and hes like “I can’t believe you just said that” and sorta smiled. And when we talk now, theres this smile.. its just… different.. i can’t really explain it but its not the same as before and it isnt a smirk either.
For a while, to “bother” him, I’ve been saying hi and bye to him… So we do talk a lot and we are both comfortable with randomly coming up to eachother and talking.
I guess I’m starting to have feelings for him, I dunno why :/ I guess I like it when he teases me… it makes me feel warm inside
And I don’t want him to keep thinking that I’m “creepy” anymore. I wanna become friends and then from there, more than friends. How can I do this? I have 3 classes with him
And also, do you think that he really does think I’m creepy?Are the smiles between us considered flirting?
Nut sometimes he‘s like “sup” and ignores me in a way… And then when I walk up to him he‘s kinda awkward
But then there are those smiles… He‘s not lik this 2 every1.. And he doesn’t talk to a lot of girls either
I’m gettin mixed signals..
Any comments will be appreciated
Ben answers:
I think he likes you, he was being a frienemy at first then he start liking you, just stay cool and he will approaching you
Mark asks…
Does he like me? please help.. Dance coming up :)?
I don’t know, but I’m starting to kind of… Like this guy. We are kinda frenemies, and I didnt like him much (friendwise) at first… But we still got along sometimes, but not so much. He‘d still call me “creepy” in a joking way for saying HIII!! to him everyday all excitedly lol. But then later, he told me that he didn’t actually think I was that creepy, and he just said it to sorta tease me.. But it always seemed like there was some truth to it, though idk for sure.
Well… Things have kinda changed. Were starting to sorta get along now… We were in quiz bowl class and my team and i were working on a question (he was on my team). It was a bonus question and I was team leader, so we had to talk with the group about what the right question was. Well I suggested some funny answers (i guess they were funny.. but i was serious..) and hes like “I can’t believe you just said that” and sorta smiled. And when we talk now, theres this smile.. its just… different.. i can’t really explain it but its not the same as before and it isnt a smirk either.
For a while, to “bother” him, I’ve been saying hi and bye to him… So we do talk a lot and we are both comfortable with randomly coming up to eachother and talking.
I guess I’m starting to have feelings for him, I dunno why :/ I guess I like it when he teases me… it makes me feel warm inside
And I don’t want him to keep thinking that I’m “creepy” anymore. I wanna become friends and then from there, more than friends. How can I do this? I have 3 classes with him
And also, do you think that he really does think I’m creepy?Are the smiles between us considered flirting?
Nut sometimes he‘s like “sup” and ignores me in a way… And then when I walk up to him he‘s kinda awkward
But then there are those smiles… He‘s not lik this 2 every1.. And he doesn’t talk to a lot of girls either
I’m gettin mixed signals..
Any comments will be appreciated
Ben answers:
LOL. Don’t feel so insecure about the situation, take charge of it and take what you want. When you feel insecure and always guessing “what if”, you never really get anywhere. You usually just gotta go for it and see what happens. Either if he says no or yes in the end you will feel better about getting your “what if’s” out the way. You can prob just start off with a friend maker approach “I’m starting to think your really cool, we should be friends. Here is my number for when you wanna hangout” and walk away with a cute smile. It leaves them kinda like ‘whoa, what happened” and curious. So then they will most likely find a day to hang out of curiosity. Then thats when you really can try and get to the point. And the short “sup” is just boy talk. They are not talkative girls, and guys usually have different stuff to talk about then girls, so when it comes to a girl they might not know what to say. Guys are like a different species and easy to figure out once you stop thinking they are gonna respond the way a girl would. If that makes any sense.
Jim asks…
Does he like me? GUYS ADVICE?
2. I am Sikh and he is Pakistani boy
3. He is junior in college and I’m sophomore in college.
4. I am the only indian girl on his FB list rest are boys.
5. He clicked like on my entire prom album not every picture but the whole album.
6. He gave me his number when I asked him and I gave him mine but he did not ask for it.
7. I asked him why don’t have that many girls on FB he said he does not need girls? But I said why did u add me. I said I am your friend right….he said yea. I also asked him does he like chatting with me he said yea.
8. We were in same class in HS but not friends. I send him a FB request.
9. I wished him HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great one. He wrote thanks on his wall? that was the only time he commented back.
10. When it was Diwali. he wished me online and I said same to you…happy diwali.
11. So when it was EID he posted it on his status. Then I send him a message on FB. Eid mubarak and he said same to u eid mubarak.
12. He sometimes starts the convo on FB hEY Hi, Hows school going, or Wats up. He chats with me after 1 month. Sometimes I start. We chat about 45 mins to 1 hr on FB.
13. On the first of college I saw him while I was going to my class. I waved at him and said Hi. He just smile walking down the hallway with his guy friend.
14. I send him a message that we should hangout in college sometime he did not reply to it. But he chat with me on FB so I don’t want to ask him to hangout with me, maybe he is comfortable with guys.
15. In the summer one day he saw me on fb at 3:00 am. Ask me what am I doing up? I said not sleeping yet, then he signed off
16. In the summer we chatted at 1 or 2 hours at 2:00am we did that twice.
I saw him with my guy friend in cafe they were buying lunch. I did not see them until my guy friend said my name.But this guy just said wat’s up to me and smiled. I said Hi and waved at him. when I was in the library I speed walk by one room I saw him with his friends. I smiled at him. He smiled back.If I comment on his wall he does not comment back or delete those comments but leaves it? I just send him a message on FB to ask him what time should I call him tmr. He said he only messages girls and not talk with them on phone. I said to him don’t be shy from me. I said I used to be shy from you lol. I feel like you don’t like me and don’t want to be my friend. Then he said no it’s not and I am not shy
I was driving on the highway to go college I think he saw me driving. he was driving fast.But when we reached college. We parked little bit far from eachother then went to our classes. I don’t think we saw eachother? Then I send him message on FB. lolll I saw you today…you were driving fast. Were u getting late for ur class. After that I txted him on his cell and asked him did you get my message on FB. he said yea and he replied to the message. That’s just how I drive. After 1 hr he texted me on my cell wat car was I driving? I told him toyota camry. I said don’t you drive one too. He said yea and that was you? Just be careful cause there was a cop. Then I replied back to him We’ll see eachother on highway sometimes lolll. Thanks I will cya good night. Does he think I am stupid person who chats funny?
Today I send him a text at 10:45am I said Hey what’s up. He repiled back at 12:30 said going to work and u? I then replyed back at 12:45. I said I got out of psychology class….so after 3 hrs I send him a text do you buy book at library or online… He replied back in 10 mins at the library. Then I send him a txt are you still at work. He reply back I went there for little while. I said that I saw this nice car, he replied which one. Then I txt him blue mercedes. Why he did not text me back?? Willl he text me tmr?
Ben answers:
Marie asks…
does he like me??? please answer truthfully, first answer i like 10 pts!?
So I go to youth group once a week, started to go about 3 weeks ago. This last week this guy that I’ve seen there but never talked to came up to me, smiled, and was like “heyyyy. i don’t think we’ve met yet.” and he shook my hand. he asked me my name and what school i go to, and we talked about some other stuff too. but then like he asked me what grade i’m in and i was like “Oh i’m a freshmen :]” and he had this like kind of surprised look on his face and was like “ohhh that’s cool :]” and i was like “hbu?” and he was like “oh i’m a senior.” and so then it was like time to go. and it was weird because the second week i went there i saw him like ask my brother about me and everything, so he already knew everything about me. but anyways, yesterday (Friday) there was youth group retreat, and it was for (we’ll call him sam) sam’s senior project. so i went and so did my brother. me and my brother where the first two to show up (except for sam and one of the youth leaders) and so sam comes up to me and like starts flirting/talking to me. And him and my brother are kind of friends, but like whenever my brother talked to him sam kept it short and like talked to me some more. And he was acting like really cute and stuff. But like okay, so these other girls come and like go over to him and start to like flirt, but like he didn’t flirt back and so I was okay with it. And so like later we went o this one sport game place, and me and him and these other two people where like standing together, and they where talking about sports, and I don’t play any of the sports that they where talking about so I wasn’t really talking, but them he looks over to me and was like “so what kind of sports do you play??” and I go “I do cheer.” And he goes “renton highschool cchhheerrrr.” And he like smiles, and I go “haha, nooo. I do competitive cheerleading :]” and he goes “oh cool!” and we started talking about like flipping, and round-offs and stuff. And anyways, for this sport game thing and me and him where on separate teams. When it was time for me and his teams to compete against each other, he gets into the go-cart next to me and is lie “oh-uh guys, if ashley is on this team we’re DEFFINATLY going to looossse.” And he looks over to me and smiles, and I like laugh/smile back. And I’m like “Oh yeah, we’re winning for sure.” And his team was un-defeated…. Haha but we lost and he won. But after that game we got out of the arena, and sat down. And I was standing between him and one of the girl youth leaders, and they where like sitting down. And we where all like talking and stuff, and he goes “Ashley (me) why don’t you pull up a chair” and the only chair open was next to him so I sat next o him, and we where like talking. And then I go “so are you excited for college next year??” and he goes “yeahh I can’t wait to get out of Issaquah.” And I go “yeah, I bet.” And he told me like what college and stuff he’s going to. And then like we both where like watching these other teams play, and he just like randomly goes “so, are there any cute boys at your school?“ and I go “haha, not really. Like all the guys in my grade are like discusting.“ and he just like laughed. And then he had to get up to go watch and yell at these one kids playing a game, and then the girl youth group leader goes “you know, he got into that colledge not because of sports, but because of grades. He’s really smart and athletic.” And just go “wow, really?” and she goes “yep.” And like we kept talking like on and off, me and sam did. and like I kept on seeing him look at me like while either when he was playing, or like when he w was just watching and I was playing, or when we where both just like taking a rest for a second. And so after the games, we all left on the bus and went to this like comedy/improve show, and at first he was sitting up close to the stage, but me and these other girls got these spots a little further away from the stage, so I saw him like looking around, and he saw me and like him and this other guy like move up to right behind me (there where no more seats right next to me) and like he kept on like leaning forward and stuff (he was like right behind me). And there was this other guy right to the left of me, and I talked to him a little and he’s my age, and then sam goes to the other guy sitting next to me in like not like the nice voice he talks to me in, and goes “so are you like a freshmen or like a sophomore or something?” and the pother guy goes “yep.” And then sam just like looked away and didn’t talk to him. And anyways, later it was time for us to go back to our church for like sleeping or whatever, and so a lot of people went to bed, but me and sam and some other people stayed up, so we all went to this gym at the church, and sam and some other guys play a game of basketball, and like when they where like getting the teams together, sam was like talking to some of the other guys, and is like faced towards me (I was sitting down and like talking to this one girl while watching all the guys), and he like lifted up his shirt for some reason, and he had like an 8 pack, I was like, wow, haha. and like 20 minutes after the game someone goes “why don’t we play dodge ball!!” and so I go “I’ll play!!” and then sam got up and was like “you guys of sophie is playing,…” and someone interrupted him, and so we where like playing, and I was one of the last people standing, and so was sam on him side, and so like he threw the ball at me and got me, and I like laughed, and he smiled, and I went to the side. And so anyways, after dodge ball, sam was like hitting like base waffle balls with like a bat, and I was watching him, and I go “I dare you to hit the ball up through that opening in that window up there” and he goes “will you give me $5.00?” and I go “okay :]” but he wasn’t able to make it. Haha. But anyways, everyone went to bed, but me and some other guys stayed up all night. And while me and the other guys where in the hall I like pocked my head around the corner and saw sam like standing at the top of these stares, and then he walked away. And no one else was up there. And anyways, this morning he and everyone else woke up, and I go up to him and go “did you sleep good??” and he goes “yeahhh, I had ear plugs so it was all good. How about you?” and I go “I didn’t like go to sleep, I stayed up with ryan, john, and luke., like all night.” And then sam goes “your and animal, I wound never be able to do that.” And I just like smiled/laughed. And so when it was time to leave we all got on the bus again and like I sat in the back of the bus, and I got on before him, and then he sat in the front of the bus, and I know he saw me, but he didn’t come back :[. But everyone (including sam) was really tired in the morning, and like on the bus I saw sam like close him eyes and like lean on his pillow and stuff, so maybe he was just really tired.
But yeahh, like what do you think of all this???
Does he like me????
I’m starting to fall for him.
Ahh, I’m confuseddd.
**and right before he sat down and we started to talk about his colledge and stuff, h e like walked up to me and i turned around, and i could tell he was liek staring at me like up and down, then he like looked at me, and then i said “your team was pretty intense” he put his hand on my back right like below my shoulder
Ben answers:
Well….let’s begin….at the beginning….he spontaneously came to talk to u w/out knowing you…so he thinks ur attractive…thats good..
He asked your brother about u…hes getting more interested at this point….
At the retreat he talked to u more than his friend….also good
jokingly competeing with you….this is all going well…
He looks at you a lot…..
Ok…b4 my answer is as amazingly long as your question….he most definantly likes you, but i wouldnt see anything long term in ur future for two reasons
1.hes going to college, and ur still in HS
2.he met u based soley on the way u look….but he has grown to enjoy u as a person…but relationships started this way tend to end quickly
altogether…if u like him….go 4 it!!!!
Hope i helped and good luck
Nancy asks…
Does he like me? GUYS HELP ONLY?
2. I am Sikh and he is Pakistani boy
3. He is junior in college and I’m sophomore in college.
4. I am the only indian girl on his FB list rest are boys.
5. He clicked like on my entire prom album not every picture but the whole album.
6. He gave me his number when I asked him and I gave him mine but he did not ask for it.
7. I asked him why don’t have that many girls on FB he said he does not need girls? But I said why did u add me. I said I am your friend right….he said yea. I also asked him does he like chatting with me he said yea.
8. We were in same class in HS but not friends. I send him a FB request.
9. I wished him HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great one. He wrote thanks on his wall? that was the only time he commented back.
10. When it was Diwali. he wished me online and I said same to you…happy diwali.
11. So when it was EID he posted it on his status. Then I send him a message on FB. Eid mubarak and he said same to u eid mubarak.
12. He sometimes starts the convo on FB hEY Hi, Hows school going, or Wats up. He chats with me after 1 month. Sometimes I start. We chat about 45 mins to 1 hr on FB.
13. On the first of college I saw him while I was going to my class. I waved at him and said Hi. He just smile walking down the hallway with his guy friend.
14. I send him a message that we should hangout in college sometime he did not reply to it. But he chat with me on FB so I don’t want to ask him to hangout with me, maybe he is comfortable with guys.
15. In the summer one day he saw me on fb at 3:00 am. Ask me what am I doing up? I said not sleeping yet, then he signed off
16. In the summer we chatted at 1 or 2 hours at 2:00am we did that twice.
I saw him with my guy friend in cafe they were buying lunch. I did not see them until my guy friend said my name.But this guy just said wat’s up to me and smiled. I said Hi and waved at him. when I was in the library I speed walk by one room I saw him with his friends. I smiled at him. He smiled back.If I comment on his wall he does not comment back or delete those comments but leaves it? I just send him a message on FB to ask him what time should I call him tmr. He said he only messages girls and not talk with them on phone. I said to him don’t be shy from me. I said I used to be shy from you lol. I feel like you don’t like me and don’t want to be my friend. Then he said no it’s not and I am not shy
Today I was driving on the highway to go college I think he saw me driving. he was driving fast.But when we reached college. We parked little bit far from eachother then went to our classes. I don’t think we saw eachother? Then I send him message on FB. lolll I saw you today…you were driving fast. Were u getting late for ur class. After that I txted him on his cell and asked him did you get my message on FB. he said yea and he replied to the message. That’s just how I drive. After 1 hr he texted me on my cell wat car was I driving? I told him toyota camry. I said don’t you drive one too. He said yea and that was you? Just be careful cause there was a cop. Then I replied back to him We’ll see eachother on highway sometimes lolll. Thanks I will cya good night. He did not reply back BYE or yea I will sometimes? I think maybe he did not wanted to say bye….. Does he think I am stupid person who chats funny? Today I send him a text at 10:45am I said Hey what’s up. He repiled back at 12:30 said going to work and u? I then replyed back at 12:45. I said I got out of psychology class….so after 3 hrs I send him a text do you buy book at library or online… He replied back in 10 mins at the library. Then I send him a txt are you still at work. He did not reply back yet? Is he playing hard or he is busy at work. I believe that he must be busy. But when he gets a chance he replies back to my message.
Ben answers:
Hes interested in you for sure and i think hes playing a bit of both hard to get and being really busy
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