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Questions And Answers On Acne


Jane asks…

How to get used to having my hair in my ears on my face?

So this may sound odd but for years have worn my hair in a ponytail. I hate having my hair in front of my hears and always tuck my hair behind my ears. How can I get used to having my hair in front of my ears? It just feels odd and I hate it. What should I do?

Ben answers:

I understand how you are I got so used to clipping my fringe back et I subconsciously tuck it behind my ears and that. The best thing to do is start off slowly, clip part of the fringe back so the shorter part is hanging on the forehead or around your temples. Then once you are comfortable let a little more down and slowly work it out until all of the fringe is down (over a period of time)
Its also helpful to straighten the hair that is bothering you and hairspray it, it makes you far less likely to touch it than if its natural.

Chris asks…

What is the cost of a face lift in thailand?

I am interested in having a complete face lift in Thailand and would like to know the estimated costs, and some referrrals to check out. Thank you in advance for sharing your information with me!. :)

Ben answers:

Face lift Surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her breast reduction, tummy tuck and facelift surgery in India by the company called Forerunners Healthcare .The Price for the surgery she paid in India was very less. She paid 30% of the cost she was quoted in America.

Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India. They arrange cosmetic and plastic surgery for foreigners in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low price, as the breast reduction, tummy tuck, facelift and other cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.

Mark asks…

I just got a new Peach – Faced Lovebird, How do I tell if it’s male or female?

He is kinda dark but also bright. He is Dark green with a Peach face of course, but I mean it’s not that off color peach that some people call orange or pink I mean it is PEACH!

Ben answers:

You can’t tell the gender of a Peach face lovebird without the bird laying an egg, having it surgically sexed, or getting a DNA test. Peachfaces of either sex can be very brightly colored, the color of their beaks is not an indicator of gender at all either. Even behaviors (shredding and tucking papers, etc) can be unreliable as both genders have been known to do all sorts of behaviors that are generally attributed to one sex or the other.

Laying the egg can happen within the birds first year or it could go 10 years before it suddenly decides to lay it’s first egg. So that’s not always a great way.

Surgical sexing is basically what it sounds like. A vet does a surgical procedure to tell if the bird is male or female. Rather expensive, and obviously invasive.

DNA testing is by far the best way to go. It’s very cheap ($20-25), and easy to do yourself. You can clip a nail a little short for a few drops of blood on a test card, or simply pluck 5-6 chest feathers and send those in to be tested. In just a few days you have the results.

Steve asks…

Who is the best plastic surgeon for face lifts, and how much does one cost?

I would love to have a face lift, and even tho there are tons of jokes about Joan Rivers and all her plastic surgery, I think she looks pretty darn good. I have also seen some horrible results for nose jobs such as, Michael Jackson (of course!), Farrah Fawcett and Bruce Jenner. They must have all gone to the same Dr., lol, but to get a face lift, who would you folks recommend? And it doesnt matter where they are located. Thanx!!!

Ben answers:

Plastic surgery is very safe nowadays. There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges Tummy tuck, Liposuction surgery for foreigners in India. They are called the Fly2india4health Consultants. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories. I have also read that they arrange financing for international patients, as all surgery is not covered by insurance or by the stinking NHS.

They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. The cost savings are incredible. As a doctor I personally believe that your Tummy tuck, Liposuction surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of Healthcare available here is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

My cousin got her Tummy tuck, Liposuction surgery done there and she is more than very happy with the results. She is all praise for Fly2india4health Consultants. She paid just 20% of the cost what she was quoted in USA and it was like a wonderful vacation for her. Hope this helps


Marie asks…

How can I loose fat off my face?

I’m 15, and actually underweight for my height and yet my cheeks are a bit chubby. I want to put weight on, but want to loose fat off my face. Are there any specific diets for my situation where I can put weight on healthily and lose fat off my face at the same time? I’m also planning to do a mile run 2 days a week…Can anyone help me?

Ben answers:

Facial fat develops from several factors, including being overweight,
soft facial muscles, genetics or simply getting older. There is no
surefire way to lose fat around the face and under the chin that will
work for everyone, but there are a variety of options from which you
can select the right method for you.
Step 1 Work on full-body weight loss if excess facial fat is a full-body
problem. Simply adding regular exercise three to five times a week for
30 to 60 minutes, cutting 250 calories a day and eating more fresh
fruits and vegetables should help you to drop a pound or two a week.
While everyone is different, most people notice facial fat is the
first fat lost.
Step 2 Drink plenty of water each and every day, taking in about two
glasses for every 50 pounds of body weight. Not only is water
essential for your body to function properly, it also helps to flush
toxins, which can cause swelling in the face and other parts of the
Step 3 Perform facial exercises that work to strengthen and firm the
muscles of the face, chin and neck and can help you lose facial fat.
Activities like yoga and Pilates are perfect. However, there are also
many exercises directed just for the face.
Step 4 Cut back on foods that cause fluid retention, particularly salt
and alcohol. Reducing your intake of salt and alcohol is a very
positive dietary choice that will show great results in your skin and
fatty tissues.
Step 5 Consider a more drastic approach if these natural techniques are
not helping you to lose fat around the chin and face. Cosmetic surgery
procedures have come along way and often only require a few hours in a
doctor’s office for the procedure and short recovery times after.
Speak to a cosmetic surgeon about thread lifts, liposuction, tucks and
other procedures that can help you to look and feel your best.

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