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Questions And Answers On Acne


Lynn asks…

Do girls care bout fordyce spots when giving head?

I’m 14 and have fordyce spots and was wondering cause my gf wants to give me head

Ben answers:

Not that I’m condoning it at your age (mother of 4 kids) but no hun girls don’t notice that kind of stuff and if she does and its a problem then she’s not good enough for you

Chris asks…

Can chapstick/lanolin cause Fordyce Spots?

Ben answers:

I heard someone talking bout that but they said no so i think no i guess

Graham asks…

Can fordyce’s spots on penis and scrotum be itchy?

I know I have fordyce‘s spots but do they cause itchiness or is it just normal to be itchy down there occasionally

Ben answers:

Sometimes. They shouldnt always be though

Jane asks…

Fordyce spots, anyone?

I’m a 24-year-old male. I posted a question on here a while back about Fordyce spots. I believe that a few more may have appeared on my penis since then. It’s hard to tell, since they’re in little clusters, and I haven’t been counting them! I have a few questions, which I’d be very grateful if someone could answer. I understand what Fordyce spots are, but what causes them to just suddenly appear? Can certain lifestyle factors (for example, poor diet) influence the likelihood that they’ll appear? I can sometimes wash excessively when I shower/bathe (I have OCD). Could this dry out the skin, and therefore cause the skin to produce more sebum, making more Fordyce spots appear, or those that are already there more pronounced? Will they ever disappear? And finally, is there anything that I can do to prevent further ones appearing? Many thanks.

Ben answers:

The exact cause of Fordyce’s spots is unknown, although experts think that there is a genetic link. Since we don’t know what causes them to appear in the first place, we also don’t know what makes more of them show up. No one knows.

Alana asks…

Fordyce Spots question?

I know what they are and all, I just wanted to ask this…

Is it safe to wax one’s pubic hair where fordyce spots are covering? Would this tear/rip/pop these spots and potentially cause an infection, or should they be just fine with minimal worries?

(please don’t comment about whether or not I should be waxing, just whether or not it’s safe with fordyce)

Ben answers:

Just make sure to wash the area before and after waxing and you should be safe.

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