David asks…
Questions about SM Entertainment audition?
I am 14 years old and turning 15 this october. I am around 166cm and weighs about 45 kg. I know how to speak in English, and CHinese fluently and i can sing Chinese, Japanese and Korean really well. I have okish good skin….so do you think that they can be a little interested in me?
And these are some question that i am curious about…
1. When you send them the audition by e-mail do you write the application in a document?
2. What is the main thing that the judges look for when you audition?
3. What is the best song to sing that show off your talent?
4. Does a little bit of acne on your forehead do you think that it ruin the image when the judge see you?
5. If you get in to the first round and when attending the second round…do they have to ask for permission from your parents in order to let you go?
Thank you!
Ben answers:
SM is rumored to be about looks, but they actually care about talent and your abilities. If you look average but have a lot of talent, they could be interested in you.
1. It’s best not to because it’ll take time for them to open up your document. They might not even open it. Just write it in the text box to make it easier for them.
2. Potential; If they think you have potential, they’ll let you know. Also, confidence, a bright personality, and talent. It wouldn’t hurt to try to dress up, but not too much. They like to see your bare face.
3. Anything that matches your voice and vocal range. Don’t try to sing too high/low if you can’t. Adjust the key to match your range.
4. NOPEEEEE. They won’t let something that small and stupid get in the way.
5. Yes… So its best to let your parents know that your auditioning before you do because you’ll be very disappointed when you get past the first round but your parents won’t let you participate in the second round
Mike asks…
I want him back so bad!Wut should I do?
Ok,me & my bf broke ^ a week ago.We were on the bus and we held hands like every day.And b4 I got off I went to kiss him but b4 I did he said,”I’m breaking ^ w/ u”.I told him thanx 4 bein honest w/ me but i could have really lived without hearing that.I tore myself apart.And I fell down on my knees and started cryin.Cuz if u saw even half the emails he sent me,u would think that he neva wouldve dumped me.He said he would always be there for me when I needed someone.Everything reminds me of him.Every time I hear our song I eventually cry.But i also heard that he called me a pig w/ acne…but im not for sure.his fried told me that but he plays around alot so i dunno whether to believe him or not!I also heard that he broke up with me because alot of people told him to.That got me real bad.But I had one of my friends that is friends w/ him 2 ask him who said that 4 me.He asked him and he said that if he asked him again ten he would spread arumor about me.But I still luv him sooo much!Help?
And also wut really got me bout him callin me a pig w/ acne was because i am NOT fat,i do NOT have acne!And everything he ever said he is denying most of it…
Ben answers:
This guy is an immature little boy who isnt old enough to make his own decisions so move on girl and find a real man who will treat u with respect! It hurts now i know, i just broke up with my bf of 2 yrs who was everythin i could ever dream of and i still love him but im not sirttin round cryin over him cause he aint worth my time. Move on to somethin better!
Nancy asks…
Am I beautiful,or simple?
Am I Beautiful?
-Light brown hair(with bangs swooped to the right side)
-gray eyes
-small nose;not 2 small
-plump lips;rosy pinkish color no,I haven`t had injections,only 11
-No broad shoulders
-slightly big boobs (32 A)
-not fat
-thighs with muscle
-skinny calves
-big feet
-slight acne
My style would more than likely be-girly/sporty
Favorite color-yellow
Favorite song-Fergie`s Clumsy
Favorite sport-Softball
Favorite animal-puppies
I love…Nancy Drew,my computer,my sibs,friends,clique novels,God,Hayden.
*The last person is my crush.HaHa!
Now you know about me.So,am I beautiful?(Inside and Out)?
Ben answers:
You’re beautifully simple…..
Ken asks…
Brother stresses me out!
I have never heard of a case where a sibling annoys another sibling like my brother does me. Most people have annoying siblings that only annoy them when they are around each other, but my brother constantly follows me wherever I am in the house either to annoy me, or just ask questions (which are often more annoying than him following me).
But whenever he asks a question (that is not complicated in the slightest way), I have to explain to him the answer 10 or more times before he finally (if at all) understands. And if he tries to annoy me with some sort of comeback, he comes up with the most irrelevant things to say. This may sound immature to say on my part, but he has been singing that Soulja Boy song ever since it became popular. He chooses a rap song and sings it EVERY SINGLE DAY for about 3 months, or until he finds a new one to torture me with. He has been analyzed by doctors, and they say that there is nothing wrong with him, he just doesn’t try to understand anything.
Ever since he’s turned 12, my brother has been a menace to my family, especially me, and it’s getting to the point that whenever he REALLY gets to me, I get extreme acne from the stress. Sometimes after, I feel like I am about to cry, thinking of how he treats me. I think that my parents think that this is normal sibling behavior, but I believe that it is much more than that. They aren’t home to see the half of it!
I am desperate to make him stop! WHAT CAN I DO?
Ben answers:
Your brother seems to be like my brother when he was your bros age. He does it because he loves you, yeah it seems wierd, but he wants your attention and everyone elses whethere or not its negative. People who repeatedly sing the same song over and over again, due not always have issues, He is just being what a little brother should be. And your acting as an older sibling should as well. And for stress, go to a friends house or just straight up tell him you need some alone time. Start treating him like an adult. Tic for Tac. Its a good system to use.Do something to get a positive reaction, even if he doesnt immediatly change for you, keep on. I hope this works.
Lisa asks…
What is your Favorite? EASY 10 POINTS?
Ben answers:
-alejandro, lady gaga (at the moment)
-zoe (cousin)
-comic sans ms
-clinique products
-siberian husky
-basketball, volleyball
well i’m from australia, all though I wasn’t born here. I have bleached blonde hair, my natural is dark brown. I love tattoos and piercings, but everybody else hates them! I hate it when people don’t use good grammar, i mean you do go to school right?! I think it is completely unnecessary when people judge others because of how they look, eg. Short shorts and singlet does not make you a slut!. I love having a good time with family and friends, and i love playing dance off and karaoke with my aunty and uncle. I would ultimately like to travel the world before i am 25 but i doubt thats going to happen and yes i enjoyed this survey very much, it made me think about what i like. So thankyou
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